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RWTH Aachen University

The integration of renewable energies into energy supply systems is a challenging task for all distribution networks.
Nonetheless, the project IREN2 meets these challenges and investigates two innovative concepts in order to integrate renewable energy resources in the distribution networks.
The first concept describes the required decoupling of certain network areas to island grids. These island grids could supply the concerning region in the event of a fault in one of the overlaying network levels.

Moreover, particular emphasis will be placed on the investigation of the concept of topological power stations. These topological power plants describe network sections whose producers and consumers collectively could be used as a conventional power station. In form of a topological power plant, one network section could contribute to the stability of overlaying network levels.

Within the framework of the project, the following working goals are intended to be achieved by the RWTH:

  • Development and economic, ecological and technical assessment of compatible and multifunctional operation strategies to integrate renewable energies into distribution networks
  • Bottom-Up modelling of load and producer situation in the research area Allgäu
  • Conception of protective systems for island grids
  • Development of a model to plan topological power stations
  • Investigations concerning the stability of different concepts of regulation in the context of topological power stations


AÜW AllgäuNetz Siemens RWTH ID.KOM HS Kempten